JELLYFISH A sea of plastic. 340 million tons produced each year. How can we reduce this? A collective awakening is moving those in the design community, like us, to search for ways to create something new without producing more plastic. It was inspiration from the depths of the very sea that we are polluting from which our Jellyfish project was born. There is nothing quite as fascinating as this planktonic creature, made up of 98% water, floating elegantly along in the blue sea. Unfortunately, just like other marine animals, jellyfish ingest plastic fragments suspended in the water. Inspired by their unique texture and transparency, we created our Jellyfish pendant lamps to mimic their distinct aesthetic qualities using recycled plastic material. We decided to utilize industrial scrap of one of the most common plastics found in architecture and design: polycarbonate. For many years, 80% of the materials we use to create our sculptures and design pieces have come from industrial scrap. We personally go to the factories that use polycarbonate and hand select the scraps that we will then transform into our lamps and other design pieces. Incredibly, polycarbonate can be recycled as many as six times. The entire shell of the lamp we create could then be recycled again in the future. In our atelier we melt polycarbonate to create a product that is both innovative and artisanal. There are no similar products on the market because our method of melting polycarbonate cannot be done industrially and is an artistic act that creates unique pieces. Our Jellyfish consist of modular lamps that can be displayed as a single Jellyfish or in a group, just like real jellyfish in the ocean. A multitude of lamps hung together creates an installation of luminous Jellyfish floating in the abyss.