Conscious Innovation Projects
The take-away market produces today enormous amounts of wastes everyday and it isn’t a practice that will change soon as it has been done for millennia. Obviously the ideal would be for everyone who wants to eat out to possess and use their own doggy bags but habits takes time to change. This is, what I think, a good starting point for a guiltless plastic project. The idea behind this project is to take the same concept as returnable glass we find in festivals and adapt it to the ‘’eatout’’ and ‘’take-away’’ market. Most of the food we buy is overpacked, especially for take-away which is a crucial problem when we think this is a daily habit for most of us. For most lunchboxes, whether they’re foldable or not the lid is quite awkward and unpractical. In some cases the lid takes too much space on the surface we eat (as when eating out or at the office we often have small spaces available) and in other we just don’t know what to do with them. Here, the top part turns into an under plate in order not to take up too much space. This lunchbox would work just as returnable glasses, it would be given in exchange of a small fee that would be returned afterwards. People would buy as usually their food but instead of sending the box to trash twenty minutes later they would take it back to the store / food-truck / food court or plainly use it for themselves. Not only the plastic can be used, washed and reused several times, but also when it comes to recycling this specific product, by returning it to the place you bought it, You leave the responsibility to the seller of taking care of sending it back to factory to produce a new one with the same material following the cradle-to-cradle principle.