Conscious Innovation Projects
Jakarta generates 2000 ton of plastic waste of 7000 tons of garbage in a day. Local designer already tried to reduce the trash by creating an up-cycling product but, some segments are not included. Most of the up-cycling products that are sold in Jakarta only afford to buy by middle to up economic segment class people. It means, there are about 1.8 million citizens in Jakarta cannot afford to have up-cycling product in their home. More than three-quarter up-cycling products in Indonesia are targeting middle up market segment. This happened because of high production cost in creating the product and the lack of awareness in a low middle segment about Jakarta’s waste problem. In March 2018, the percentage of income in the lowest 40 percent group was 17.16 percent. From 10.4 million population, there are 1.8 million low-income residents should start to be encouraged in plastic waste reduction in Jakarta. Plazzle will be an affordable and friendly Up cycling product for middle to the low economic resident. Inspired by rubber-puzzle, the form variants are simple modular. With a simplicity, a user can create an extendable and easy installation furniture. The production and installation system also encourages users to be creative and can give an opportunity to the user for not just being the last consumer. Plazzle is produced in a beginner friendly workshop due to the mission in increasing variant communities involvement in the Up cycling plastic process. The recycled plastic shredder is separated by the types and color; the recycled PP for the matte colors puzzle and the recycled PS and HDPE for the glossy color. There are only five types molding in the compression process, A – outer puzzle 248×400; B – Outer puzzle 400×400; C – Inner puzzle 248×248 ; D – Inner puzzle 400×400; E – Additional Joint. In the final process, the puzzle can cut into some suggested forms. Involving variant communities in process making is one of the ways in giving bigger social impact. In the preparation stage, a customer can collect their raw 3/4 material. This stage provides an opportunity for mid to low economic people to sell their shredded to cover another cost in production make. This opportunity aims to encourage more Jakarta’s inhabitant to have a responsibility in separating their plastic waste. Puzzle targets many kinds of customer to provide different customer journeys. Common customer can simply buy a set of Puzzle by online or offline. There is a type of making process for a group of people, such as tourist and student group, that want to create their own Plazzle set in the workshop. A customer with a member such as an environmentalist activist can independently use the machine. As plazzle main mission, there are a subsidized customers category for low-cost process product making.