Industrial Design
We are used to being in contact with bottles, shampoo, detergents that have a seemingly negligible weight. Every day we think “what’s a little bottle per day?”. But every 5 days, each of us
produces 1kg of plastic, and where does it go?
But the real problem is not the plastic itself. It has im- portant characteristics that would allow to solve certain problems if it were used in the correct way, exploiting its best characteristics. It is a durable, resistant material with a high specific weight.
So reflecting on these characteristics such as durability, resistance and weight, we started to investigate the world of urban planning, a world made of objects that have the task to last and be resistant.
“panettone” (bollard).
We realized that the specific weight of PET almost equals the specific weight of cement. This led us to design a bollard made of recycled plastic.
7500 plastic bottles are capable of equating a 150kg concrete bollard.