Innovative Textiles
Coral reefs support half a billion people and a quarter of all marine life. However, they are on the front line of climate change. Over the last three years, we have seen the biggest coral die-off ever. We are rapidly running out of time to save them, and we won’t get a better opportunity than this year to turn things around.
As an individual, i can take action to change the fate of our world’s oceans.
As an artist I feel responsible to present the story of our oceans in ways that engage a global audience and create awareness that leads to the necessary action”.
In 2016 my work focused on creating awareness about the impact of climate change on coral reef.
Entirely created with recycled materials, primarily with hand stitches, EVANESCENT, (2016-2018, 200x400cm) — is a textile and mixed-media sculpture, which portrays coral bleaching caused by climate change.