Industrial Design
“SEA YOU” is a public bin produce with plastic waste.
The project began in 2015 with my diploma “You sea?” in the school of Beaux-Arts in Toulon.
My idea is simple : taking from the beach, the most plastic trash I can found and made something usefull with it.
At this moment, that make sense to me to design a bin with the trash, to complete the circle.
The first prototype is made with a low-cost process, that help me to produce some small recycled plastic tiles to build my bin.
The tiles was melted into a domestic hoven, and each one have a different colors because of the differents waste colors.
Today, I’m very happy to show you “SEA YOU” because this new version use more recycled plastic, is more durable and better designed.
For this prototype I make a solar hoven who allow me to melt all the plastic trash into my aluminium mold.
So last summer, I maded the 8 tiles with one of my friend, one tile by day.
All the plastic trash I’ve used come from city like Marseille or Gardanne, taken by MP Industries, a local company who recycle and reuse plastic waste to produce outside and public furniture. They give me the raw material to make my experimentations and the final product.
I also worked with Sarragala/La Serrurerie, a company of very talented steel craftman, still in the south of France.
We worked hand in hand into the bin, to offer the most durable and timeless pieces.
They are sponsor of the project because they want to produce it.
Now I just need to find a company who can make the recycled plastic tiles, to put the project in a real industrial way.
I hope this project could offer a better view about recycled plastic.