Ship to clean oceans
Conscious Innovation Projects
It started around three and half years back when I saw some documentaries on National Geographic channel on the ocean waste problem and two things stuck to me, the first was the magnitude of the problem and the second the impact it has on life.
ERVIS is a bleeding edge design of a ship with chambers and saucers surrounding it.
Designing ERVIS I was cautious I didn’t want it to add to the problem of ocean pollution which current ships in oceans do. Currently around 20% of waste in oceans is contributed by marine ships so I wanted ERVIS not to be a contributor to it. And so I wanted ERVIS to be powered by renewable energy sources like solar and renewable natural gas.
The ship is essentially a large boat with saucers and compartments. The saucers float and rotate on surface of ocean to pull the waste inside. The ship also has multiple compartments to store the waste. Once waste is collected, ERVIS segregates it depending on the type of waste it collects. There are four main type of plastic which is there in oceans. There is the large plastic, medium, small and micro plastic which lies in oceans. ERVIS has different chambers to store the segregated waste and it also has an oil chamber to collect waste oil. What ERVIS would do is based on the type of plastic it collects it would compact and store it. Once waste is collected and analyzed we would send it back to land for recycling.