Vessel Factory
Industrial Design
With our Vessel – Factory we do not want to remain closed within our small circle of “special” people, who share the same values and accept only similar individuals.
We want to involve those who are different from us because it is those people are needed if we want to have a real impact on Planet Earth.
We believe in win-win solutions to have an impact – to prevent plastic from ending up in the oceans – people, many people, must collaborate with each other and can do it more easily if 1) the solution offered is easy to reach, within reach hand and make life easier instead of adding more complexity and difficulty. We believe in concrete support for people, we want to help them simplify and give themselves permission to make choices that they themselves admire but, at the same time, not enough to implement them due to laziness, different priorities, difficulties in managing daily life 2) exchange a reward, a personal advantage in the face of their commitment.
Each individual receives in exchange a recycled plastic vessel, a food and a shopping voucher (or a fuel voucher depending on the choice of the supermarket), the supermarkets, on the other hand, obtain in exchange an increase in customers and savings on the purchase of some types of vegetables.
Petrol stations, in turn, get more customers as do pharmacies who adopt, for example, a Vessel-factory in their parking lot and, in return, provide a small discount or a trendy product for free in exchange for the plastic collected.
And our oceans return to “breathe” when everyone can win.