Manufacturing of Eco friendly bricka
Innovative and Tech Projects
The project involves the manufacturing of paving bricks using recycled plastic and concrete waste. The waste materials are crushed and mixed at proportions of 70% waste concrete, 29% recycled plastic and 1% color pigments. They are then mixed under high temperatures in the absense of Oxygen. The mixture will then be molded into paving bricks. This idea seeks to solve climate change by solving some of the causes of climate change like cement production which releases enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and deforestation due to the extraction of pit sand which is found 2-3m beneath the ground. I have always been an advocate for climate action. Courses done during my Civil Engineering programme like public health engineering, waste water management, education to sustainable development and other short courses like The United Nations Climate Change Learning “from learning to action” largely contributed to having interest in this project. Uses 84 tons of plastic per month. Other materials involved : Recycled concrete, color pigments.70% recycled concrete, 29% recycled plastic and 1% color pigments.