RPSD: Recycled Plastic Skateboard Decks
Educational Social Media
Tackling plastic waste, democratizing access to skateboarding & proving to people what products made from recycled plastic can really do through production of skateboard decks. We achieve this by publishing research about plastic recycling, which we publish online, open source, for free. Our most notable achievement is designing and building our own mould that allows skateboards to be produced at a low cost and with a small amount of infrastructure, e.g. in a domestic or small commercial context using basic tooling. We publish multi media content (Instruction Videos, CAD files, BOMs, Diagrams) about how to replicate all of our work online, for free, to make it as easy as possible for people to copy our process. Our main publication platform for our content is YouTube, where we publish “How-To” videos detailing our research. The thing that often stands out about products made from recycled plastic is the beauty of their appearance but what’s often overlooked is their strength & durability. Skateboard decks were chosen because they demonstrate this. When people see someone riding a deck, a thin slither of recycled plastic, they are communicated the idea that it’s strong & durable. It also gives people a tangible reward for recycling, with greater incentive than alternatives. Aside from environmental benefits (Traditionally decks are made from Canadian Maple & the biggest contributor to their deforestation) there is the social incentive. Skateboarding remains out of reach to many due to their economic situation. Making decks from waste dramatically reduces cost & hence increases accessibility. Skating provides a fun, social hobby, which is healthy to participate in on many levels & prevents people slipping in to anti-social patterns such as crime & addiction that comes hand in hand with poor economic situation. The production of the decks uses open source technology (shredder & extruder). The machines are being replicated & used by 1000s of people all over the world so there is already an expansive network of recyclers & machinists familiar with the process involved. Next steps for RPSD The future of the organisation is planned to grow in to the following areas: -Events: Demonstrations at festivals, educational institutions, sports events etc. -Research: Open-source research on further development of the production system & surrounding technologies. -Production: Decks, moulds & machines. -Consultancy: We’ll help set up workshops on the ground & remotely. By Feb 2022 we will have the next version of our mould, which will be released open source, for free with a video detailing its construction & all of the accompanying information needed to replicate it. The next phase, taking place within the next 6-months: 1. Research & experimentation: Process/Qualities/Usability -Research In to the most efficient process for making decks. -Experimenting with colors & methods to create aesthetically attractive decks. -Experimenting with different plastics to achieve a deck with the best qualities for rideability (User feedback collected at skateparks.) 2. Video /Open source content Production. -A video demonstrating the lessons learned through the research & experimentation, detailing the best way to make decks, plus any relevant material. -A promotional video explaining the project in its entirety, (What, why, how) with demos of the process & testing the decks. 3. Demonstrations & events -Compilation & procuration of all peripheral equipment needed to run demonstration workshops. -Outreach to find host events and locations. -Delivering the demonstrations & workshops at the events. 4. Future road map -Planning for the next steps after the programme. -Communication with those who expressed interest in Pilot Projects (Finland, Hawaii, Japan, Jamacia etc.) -Sample Distribution. -Outreach to new partners