Shell Homage
Urban and Public Design
Shell Homage is a global award wining biodegradable material out of discarded egg & different nut shells. The created biodegradable material is replacement for oil based plastics & can be applied in several applications as in interior, light design, furniture design, home accessories, consumable goods, 3D printing and Jewelry design. It looks like Marable or natural stones but made out of food waste. The material properties can be controlled according to application. The material surface varies from rough to smooth, opaque, translucent and transparent. The aim is to create functional and sustainable products that have a life span and they should be completely biodegradable. Fabricate biomaterial based on natural fillers as Egg and different nut shells without toxic chemicals. Have viable products, which decay if you dip into your garden if you do not need it anymore. It’s the ultimate solution for getting rid of things instead of storing them for years and getting rid of plastics, which never decays. These objects and materials developed have the aspiration to educate and enlighten about how and by whom they are made, from which ingredients, why and inspire one another. The idea is to work with bio plant based binding materials and natural fillers (food waste), experiment with unexpected influences of these materials and production techniques: high-tech and handmade techniques. Each piece is handcrafted into unique combination of colors and patterns. It is 100% compostable when it is no longer in use. Shell Homage resulted from Rania Elkalla Bachelor and Master research project. Shell Homage got featured by CNBC, Reuters, Al gazirah English and won several prestigious international design awards.