Urban and Public Design
Recycling tires is a very hard abd expensive issue. It is much better idea to upcycle them. We would like to build climbing walls and parks made of tires. With this project we upcycle 75% of tire we use. Tires are already strong materials. This gives oppourtunity to use less material for construction. On every UP, we will mention how many percent of yearly tire garbage we upcycled. This utilible sculpture is also for raising awareness on tire waste in artistic and sportive way. We would love to build this on iconic squares or around famous architectures. (temporary or permanent) Public will see a huge construction of tire and will be informed that this is a very small amount of the tire waste of just this year. Project can be enriched by sustainable energy etc according to its place. It can be built on a wall or it can be 3d sculpture as polygons. In the sketches you see the iconic UP but it can be in any form and size. UP surface model in the sketches is 18m wide 10m high, which is 180m2. According to the form and place construction may change. That is why we did not draw it on sketches. It is the simplest part, no matter what scale is, because we already made 3 prototypes and can realise it all around the world.