Dynamo Art Factory
Inspiring Learning Projects
At Dynamo Camp there is a lot of attention to social and environmental issues, and the Art Factory Project is no different. Participants, whether they are artists or children, are asked to pay attention also to good recycling practices, undertaking to promote the idea of waste in artistic activities, not as simple waste, but as an object that can have a new life and be reused, renewed and shared, for a cleaner world.
Starting from the principle that waste can be a precious educational resource capable of stimulating and encouraging the exploratory action of children, together with their creativity and imagination, in Dynamo Art Factory there are some artistic projects committed in this sense.
Making art no longer just means knowing how to use techniques but also choosing to use materials that are able to express the meaning we want to attribute to them, and that are close to everyone’s reality.
The decision to also use transformable and versatile material, such as recycled material, means believing in the importance of cultivating divergent thinking, creativity and imagination in children.
Everything, like energy and matter, is transformed, acquires new value, a new identity. That’s right, through art, waste and recycled material manages to be reborn under the diligent, ingenious and exploratory hands of our children.
The use of recycled materials represents an element of value, and can be found in some of Art Factory artistic projects, including:
– ERIKA TROJER: her project ‘CITTA’ RICICLATE’ saw the use of recycled materials, such as cans and caps, the accumulation of which gave life to imaginative works that the children interpreted as industrial cities or simple shapes while having fun to compose it.
– VELASCO VITALI: with his project ‘BRANCO’, starting from his passion for waste materials, such as leather and fabric, he made the kids experiment with different techniques, giving them the opportunity to understand how a structure is built, encouraging them to work as a group on a common result.