The Soothing Cup
Emerging High Technology
The Soothing Cup is a speculative project that comprises a menstrual cup and an incubator. A seaweed-based hydrogel turns the cup into a bio-membrane that can interact with the vaginal environment, while the incubator enables users to grow their own anti-inflammatory bacteria on their personal menstrual cups to reduce periods discomfort. The level of care required in this ritual creates an intimate connection between the menstruator and the cup, reducing the desire to purchase single-use hygiene products whilst challenging the societal stigma around periods.
The design research has started by analysing the history of menstrual products and how they negatively affect the stability of the microbiome, which is a mix of several healthy microbes that help our body in a lot of biological functions. Furthermore, the patriarchal and capitalistic culture has perpetuated the stigma around periods by promoting the production of single-use products that have influenced the behaviours of many generations, while creating a huge amount of waste. Consequently, the design process has been shaped around these issues by exploring the interaction between the menstrual body, the vaginal environment, and a bacterial menstrual cup.
Interestingly, recent studies have highlighted how the introduction of probiotic bacteria in the vaginal environment of people who suffers from painful periods can reduce symptoms of dysmenorrhea as they produce anti-inflammatory compounds. Experiments show how these bacteria can both reduce the pain, and the number of painkillers used every month, whilst contributing to the general well-being of the menstrual body. As results from the lab experiments, several strains of vaginal lactobacillus extracted from the designer’s body exponentially grew inside the material (hydrogel) over two days of incubation, giving life to the first living menstrual cup ever designed.
Thanks to an incubator that bio-mimics the vaginal environment, the user can learn how to cultivate anti-inflammatory bacteria by adjusting a few growing parameters using the touchscreen installed in the incubator. Every month, the cup is colonized by millions of healthy bacteria that live and grow inside the material. The Soothing Cup can then encourage a mutualistic relationship between the product and the experiencer, allowing menstruators to develop a deep attachment to their menstrual cup and a better understanding of the whole process of the menstrual cycle.